The Single-Dealer & Multi-Dealer Platform Ecosystem

A significant shift is underway in eFX trading. As banks grapple with tightening budgets and increasing regulatory pressure, the traditional model of single-dealer client facing platforms that co-exist alongside and compete with multi-dealer alternatives, is being considered in more detail. In a recent conversation at TradeTechFX in Amsterdam, Roger Lee, who looks after FX distribution […]

The Rise of Electronic FX Options Trading: An Inevitable Evolution

Alan Dweck, Chief Operating Officer, Buyside Solutions Foreign Exchange (FX) options trading has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, moving increasingly towards electronic platforms. This shift, driven by institutional clients such as asset managers and hedge funds, underscores a broader trend towards transparency, efficiency, predictability and competitive pricing in FX markets. But this transition […]

T+1 Triggers an FX Tech Evolution, Not Revolution for Asset Managers

Scott Gold, Head of Sales, Americas So much of what constitutes a successful migration to T+1 will come down to technology, but what is the ideal approach and strategy for asset managers to succeed? While a complete tech stack overhaul may not be possible, there is a real opportunity for asset managers to make incremental […]

Panel Discussion | A Move to T+1: Implications and Considerations for FX Markets

On May 9, we hosted an online panel discussion on the impending shift to a T+1 settlement cycle, set to impact the way we approach FX trading from May 28, 2024. Panelists: Neal Stephan, Global Head of FX Program Trading Execution Markets, BNY Mellon Gabino Roche Jr, CEO & Founder, Saphyre Alan Dweck, COO, Buyside […]

Why ‘Last Look’ Needs a New Look

Daniel Chambers, Head of Data and Analytics Instead of focusing solely on assumed advantages gained by liquidity providers, it is time to delve into the nuanced details that truly matter in pre-execution pricing. For what seems like an eternity now, the controversy surrounding “last look” has hung over the FX industry like a dark cloud. […]

Fireside Friday with… BidFX’s Scott Gold

The TRADE catches up with Scott Gold, head of sales, Americas at BidFX at the TradeTech FX US conference in Miami, to unpack the challenges facing asset managers when it comes to pre-funding accounts, the untapped potential of technological innovation to ease trader workloads, and how the buy-side can best leverage data capabilities.

2024: Why FX Liquidity Provision Analysis (LPA) Will Come Into Its Own

Daniel Chambers, Head of Data and Analytics The FX landscape in 2024 will be characterised by a heightened demand for precision in liquidity assessment. Investment managers will no longer settle for surface-level insights but will delve into the intricacies of bid/offer prices, spreads, and algorithmic execution. Regulatory developments and the adoption of algorithmic execution are […]

Outlook 2024 from Daniel Chambers, Head of Data & Analytics at BidFX

Daniel Chambers, Head of Data and Analytics Daniel Chambers shares his thoughts about the past year and expectations for 2024 in FX markets. What were the key theme(s) for your business in 2023? This year, ANZ Bank joined BidFX as our latest algo liquidity provider. ANZ has a unique position in the eFX market in […]

Six Months Until T+1: Why in FX, Time Really Is of the Essence

Scott Gold, Head of Sales, Americas The shift to T+1 settlement for US equities and bonds unquestionably introduces complex FX challenges for asset managers, particularly those in the Asia Pacific region without US-based desks, writes Scott Gold, Head of Sales, Americas at BidFX. Navigating the 4pm to 6pm trading window and addressing issues related to […]

Announcement: Upcoming Rebranding

We are pleased to inform you that in the weeks ahead, BidFX will be transitioning to our new brand – SGX FX.   This strategic move is aimed at consolidating our strengths and leveraging SGX Group’s robust brand reputation to deliver superior value to our customers. SGX FX is set to become one of the […]

A gateway to deep liquidity in Asian NDF markets

NDF markets across many Asian emerging market currencies have been growing rapidly. The technology available across SGX FX is market leading and allows clients to access the deepest streaming liquidity in the NDF market.

Event: Fintech Week London 2023

London Fintech Week_Korean Banking Institution event 21 Jun 2023

On the back of Fintech Week London 2023 (19-23 June), we took the opportunity to host a delegation of South Korean bankers, where we shared the SGX FX story.

Backing the Relationship: BidFX Launches LPA

BidFX recently launched its Liquidity Provision Analytics (LPA) product suite for customers, Colin Lambert talks to Daniel Chambers, head of data and analytics at the firm, about what it is trying to bring to market.

The FX Algo Wheel, is it wheels up and ready to take flight?

FX Algo Wheel – This article discusses the expansion of algo trading, in particular the adoption of the algo wheel in FX trading.    To most multi-asset dealing desks the concept of an algo wheel isn’t too uncommon particularly in Equities where is it widely used. Conversely, the adoption of algo wheels is still relatively […]

Outlook for 2023 with BidFX

BidFX’s Outlook for 2023.  The following interview was conducted with John McGrath, Chief Revenue Officer at BidFX.  What were the key theme(s) for your business in 2022? Interest in clearing OTC FX, and more specifically, non-deliverable forwards (NDFs) has been on the rise, as institutional asset managers looked to reduce the amount of margin they […]

BidFX gaining strong foothold in the Japanese FX market

日本語版 Tak Koyama, Sales Director, BidFX  It has been more than 20 years since the first electronic foreign exchange trading platform appeared in the real money segment in Japan. Since then, technology, along with data, security, compliance and several other aspects of FX trading, have evolved dramatically. At the same time the Order Management System […]

BidFX 日本の外国為替市場に進出

日本のリアルマネーの世界に最初の外国為替電子取引プラットフォームが登場してから20年余りが経ちました。それ以来、テクノロジーは元より、データ、セキュリティ、コンプライアンスなど、外国為替取引に関わるさまざまな要素が劇的に進化してきました。同時に、マネーマネジャーの取引ライフサイクル全体を管理するオーダー・マネジメント・システム(OMS)も、過去20年間一部のレガシー取引プラットフォームがほとんど変化していないのに対し、継続的に進歩しています。これはリアルマネーにとって、STPソリューションと統合された「最良執行」の形態が、ほぼ完成形を迎えていることを意味するのでしょうか。 BidFXは、一部の最先端の機関投資家がさらなるアルファを獲得するために、従来ヘッジファンドが利用してきたプラットフォームを活用して新しいレベルのゲームに挑戦していることを知っています。これは、リアルマネーがヘッジファンド的な取引手法を目指しているということではありません。旧来のプラットフォームまたはテクノロジーでは実現不可能であった新しいアルファの生成を、ヘッジファンド・モデルを利用し追求する試みです。 BidFXは、長年に渡り旧型プラットフォームを使用してきた機関投資家やヘッジファンドの皆様に、新たなイノベーションとさらに高度なサービス・レベルをご提供するという強いコミットメントを掲げています。そして弊社は、次世代レベルのワークフローの効率化、リスクの最小化、最良執行の機会を市場参加者にご提供することが、お客様の成功とマーケットへの貢献に通じる唯一の道であると確信しています。     This article was written by Tak Koyama, Sales Director, BidFX.

How Automation is Impacting Asset Manager Workflows

Automation's Impact On Asset Manager Workflows - Leon Brown

Leon Brown Leon Brown, Account Manager at BidFX, explains why asset managers are increasingly looking at automation for enhanced productivity, as opposed to cutting headcount.   Popular opinion now agrees that automation is not a nefarious ploy to reduce staff headcount, but an intelligent business decision designed to increase efficiency and enhance productivity. In the […]